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Laajasalon Apteekki

Pharmaceutical business

Laajasalo is a quickly growing area in Helsinki. Laajasalon Apteekki is the area’s only pharmacy and the main supplier of medicines to some of the service housing units. Jussi Kalsta is a pharmacist at Laajasalon Apteekki. He shared with us how a monitoring system by Loggs has enhanced the efficiency and reliability of their day-to-day operations.

High pharmaceutical standards

There are strict temperature requirements when it comes to storing medications, they must never warm up or freeze. In the store, the upper temperature limit is 25°C while in the refrigerators the temperature must remain stable between 2...8°C.

Without a digital system, you have to write down the temperature on paper a few times per day. The problem with this routine is that you record only a few measurements and you can’t know what was the temperature at other times. Plus, you won’t receive any warnings about deviations in temperature.

Medications which require cold storage are usually highly expensive. Unfortunately, malfunctions can hit refrigeration units at any moment. Financial damage from one broken refrigerator can easily be tens of thousands euros if you don’t get a warning and take preventive actions. Therefore, a dependable and easy-to-use monitoring system is essential for keeping the valuable medicines intact and safe to use.

Simple monitoring routine

The morning at Laajasalon Apteekki’s unloading station begins with checking past and current temperature levels from the Loggs Cloud. Customisation for specific needs is easy with the user-friendly interface (e.g. setting measurement limits, how you want to receive alerts). In addition, sensor calibration certificates are easily accessible from the Loggs Cloud.

“It was obvious that we were going to choose a remote real-time monitoring system which sends warnings” - says Kalsta.

Actually, Laajasalon Apteekki has tried one monitoring system before. In contrast with Loggs’ solution, the other system had connection problems caused by the building’s heavy structure. Another motive to choose Loggs was that Eezery (a logistics company) uses Loggs’ services to monitor temperature during transportation. Eezery delivers Laajasalon Apteekki’s ecommerce orders. Thus, Laajasalon Apteekki monitors circumstances both in their store and deliveries using one system - Loggs Cloud.

Surprisingly, there are even more ways to benefit from historical data. Kalsta has discovered that it can help to analyse the condition of the equipment. For instance, if a refrigerator’s temperature begins to fluctuate, it’s possible that it’ll break down soon.

Kalsta admits that Loggs’ solutions have proved themselves to be highly beneficial. Essentially, system alerts help to prevent serious damages on time. When Laajasalon Apteekki receives an alert, they can also comment on it. Furthermore, a great deal of manual work is reduced. Now Laajasalon Apteekki has more time for other important tasks. The staff has been enjoying the system too because it’s uncomplicated and handy. Kalsta has also noted that Loggs is always available for help with any issues.

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